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Physical Properties Sources Index (PPSI)

The physical properties source index lists recommended databases, handbooks, and websites (data, definition, measurement) for physico-chemical and other material properties.
The PPSI had been programmed as a system of polyhierarchical thesauri using the database FileMaker. The thesauri are in German and English and can be extended for other languages. AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) and FileMaker XML/XSLT Custom Web Publishing are used as WWW technologies.

General information
Vocabulary type: 
Available formats: 
Searchable online
Was vocabulary created as a course project: 
Scope and Usage

The Physical Properties Sources Index (PPSI) is a tool for finding resources for physico-chemical and other material properties. It is a starting point for queries such as

  • Where does one find a listing of rate constants?
  • Where does precise information on chemical structure (bond lengths, bond angles, torsion angles) of molecules in the gas phase exist?
  • Where do I find the definition of the quadrupole moment?
  • Where are techniques for measurement of viscosity described?

This index does not display the measured values of a physical property of a given compound, for example, values of the dipole moment of water. But it lists the sources that contain the dipole-moment values.

Vocabulary characteristics
Type of display : 
Relationship types: 
Vocabulary provider name: 
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - Eldgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH Zürihch)
Provider URL: 
Provider contact details: 

For feedback and suggestions please contact Dr. Martin Brändle: