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HP Fortify Taxonomy: Software Security Errors

This site presents a taxonomy of software security errors developed by the Fortify Software Security Research Group together with Dr. Gary McGraw. Each vulnerability category is accompanied by a detailed description of the issue with references to original sources, and code excerpts, where applicable, to better illustrate the problem.

General information
Vocabulary type: 
Was vocabulary created as a course project: 
Scope and Usage

The primary goal of defining this taxonomy is to organize sets of security rules that can be used to help software developers understand the kinds of errors that have an impact on security. By better understanding how systems fail, developers will better analyze the systems they create, more readily identify and address security problems when they see them, and generally avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future.

When put to work in an analysis tool, a set of security rules organized according to this taxonomy is a powerful teaching mechanism. Because developers today are by and large unaware of the myriad ways they can introduce security problems into their work, making a taxonomy like this available should provide tangible benefits to the software security community.
Defining a better classification scheme can also lead to better tools: a better understanding of the problems will help researchers and practitioners create better methods for ferreting them out.
Vocabulary provider name: 
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Security